Saturday, March 17, 2018

[Naxal Revolution] Coming Soon - A Report On The Americas

A statue of Ernesto Che Guevara Statue at El Alto in La Paz, Bolivia.
 Dear Readers

I was fortunate enough to spend a substantial part of last year in the America's. I managed to visit half a dozen countries present at strategic locations in North, Central and South America.

Despite numerous efforts by state and non-state actors to sabotage my journey, I was able to successfully complete my study tour. I hope to organize my findings and present it in the form of a report in the coming months.

Its been 12 long years since I founded this blog, I hope to also introspect on the years gone by in the coming weeks. Do stay tuned for more updates.


Abhay N

Posted By Blogger to Naxal Revolution at 3/17/2018 03:45:00 PM