Friday, August 17, 2007

[Naxal Revolution] Red bloggers game for cyber cops

There are many discrepancies in this article , however there was one matter that
I wished to clarify.I don't know about the other blogs mentioned but this blog is not an
anonymous blog.

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Red bloggers game for cyber cops

Hyderabad, August 17: Within a few days after "someone" had hacked the blog of "Resistance India", the Maoist-friendly blogger has resurfaced under a new name, "Maoist Resistance," throwing the gauntlet at the security agencies who, in turn, are expected to intensify this "cyber war". had been hosting information of Naxal groups, mainly the CPI (Maoist). The blog had even published press releases, party documents and served as a platform for revolutionary propaganda.

The blog was hacked on August 4. But, the people behind it got round the problem by simply changing the address to The blog explained the changed address by stating that "Resistance India" had been hacked by "someone" and hence, the new address.

Besides Resistance India, there are about 10 pro-Maoist websites and blogs, which propagate the ideology of the Maoists. They include Revolutionary Path, Indian Maoists, People's March, Naxal Revolution, Bastar, Lal Jhanda, the Naxalite Challenge and Parisar (a pro-Maoist student group).

These websites and blogs are updated regularly -- be they reports of attacks carried out by Maoists in different parts of the country or the the usual propaganda material.

The websites also host information about party ideology, inspiring speeches by leaders and issue press releases. They even have videos of conventions, meetings and conferences organised by the CPI (Maoist) and other ML parties.

The security agencies had blocked the People's March website last year. It is not only pro-Maoist groups that are running websites and blogs. Naxal Watch, an anti-Naxal website, has been vigorously condemning the actions of the Maoists and other groups.

It describes Naxalism as "pure and simple terrorism which disguises itself under terms like class struggle and social justice".

Understandably, the pro and anti Naxal blogs are attracting comments from various quarters day in and day out. More or less, they have become ready reckoners for those who wish to know the latest information as well the history of the ultra Left wing movement in the country.



Posted By Abhay to Naxal Revolution at 8/17/2007 02:03:00 PM

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