Saturday, March 31, 2012

[Naxalite Maoist India] India Burning - Jamphel Yeshi and Bhojya Naik

There are some who protest by Suicide Bombing and others by Self Immolation. India witnessed two such acts of Self Immolation this week but the Nation remains unmoved. 

Jamphel Yeshi

Before : 

 After : 

The End

Lunavath Bhojya Naik

Before : 

After : 

Both are dead. One died for Tibet and the other for the state of Telengana.

What will this single act of sacrifice fetch you or your cause ?

Related News :

Jamphel Yeshi

MBA Student ends his life :

Posted By Abhay to Naxalite Maoist India at 3/31/2012 01:35:00 PM

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