Thursday, July 5, 2012

[Naxalite Maoist India] The Revolution is Cooking ! Contribute your Spices.

Revolution is a very difficult task. It is beyond the power of any man to make a revolution. Nor can it be brought about on any appointed date. It is brought about by special environments, social and economic. The function of an organised party is to utilise any such opportunity offered by these circumstances. And to prepare the masses and organise the forces for the revolution is a very difficult task. And that requires a very great sacrifice on the part of the revolutionary workers.

Let me make it clear that if you are a businessman or an established worldly or family man, please don't play with fire. As a leader you are of now use to the party. We have already very many such leaders who spare some evening hour for delivering speeches. They are useless.

We require --- to use the term so dear to Lenin --- "professional revolutionaries." The whole-time workers who have no other ambitions or life-work except the revolution. The greater the number of such workers organised into a party, the greater the chances of your success.
- Bhagat Singh On Revolution

Posted By Naxal Revolution to Naxalite Maoist India at 7/05/2012 09:35:00 PM

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