Sunday, October 21, 2012

[Naxalite Maoist India] Relook strategy of Maoist movement in India - Maoist leader C M Noor Zulfikar

Maoist cadre at an undisclosed location in India. 
Relook strategy of Maoist movement 

Progressive thinkers have stressed for a relook into the present strategies of the Maoist movement to make it more effective in the present Indian context. On Saturday, Maoist leader C M Noor Zulfikar alias Sridhar's book 'India's Revolution and the Maoist Movement' in Kannada was launched by human rights activist Nagari Babaiah, progressive thinker G Ramakrishna and others at Kannada Sahitya Parishat.

Prof Babaiah said, "The likes of Bhagat Singh will take birth again and again. This system has taken the lives of nearly 4,000 people who struggled for the oppressed. Of them, 20 are from Karnataka. What if they were alive to take the movement forward?" he asked.

He said very few martyrs managed to convert information into knowledge, knowledge to wisdom and wisdom to living. G Ramakrishna, editor of Hosathu newspaper, said it was important for activists to understand the nuances in the Indian context. 

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Posted By Blogger to Naxalite Maoist India at 10/21/2012 08:24:00 PM

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