Monday, May 13, 2013

[Naxalite Maoist India] 3D Printed Guns - News & Documentary

3D printed guns have been in the news last week.  According to an announcement made online last week, a handgun entirely printed from a 3D printer was fired successfully multiple times. Named as the Liberator plastic pistol , the entire gun was printed in plastic, with the only metal part being the firing pin.

According to the BBC, designs for the Liberator plastic pistol have been downloaded more than 100,000 times already — before the U.S. government ordered that the designs be taken down for fear they may violate arms-exporting laws.

Still, the designs are out there, accessible through sites such as The Pirate Bay. "Makers," or hobbyists, with their own 3D printers, such as the MakerBot Replicator 2 ($2,199) and 3DSystems CubeX ($2,499), are presumably still free to print it and whatever else they want.

Watch the Documentery on 3d printed guns
to know more :
While the technology sounds promising and could be a game changer , but it currently faces cost and reliability issues which will definitely be overcome as the technology matures over time. 

Posted By Blogger to Naxalite Maoist India at 5/13/2013 08:37:00 PM

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