Saturday, May 25, 2013

[Naxalite Maoist India] Anti-Tribal politician Mahendra Karma Dead - Citizens congratulate Maoists

The assassination of Mahendra Karma , an anti-tribal politician and the face of Salwa Judum has sparked wide spread jubilation and celebration among netizens.

Netizens celebrate assassination of the Monster of Bastar.

Given below is a small sample of comments that have appeared online from ordinary citizens celebrating the death  of Mahendra Karma.
Keep Fighting  Keep Fighting About time the Exploited and Abused peoples of India wake up and do Justice because the Corrupt Upper class will Never ever allow any.. I Salute these people

ss (india) At least now the naxals are on the right track. 
Prince (Patna)This is something which I found better done at part of Naxal, as instead of killing the innocent common men, they have rightfully started attacking the corrupt politicians....the real meance and reason behid our sorrow. Anyone who today attacks the politicians of this naiton is unofficially declared real national hero. 
manoj jha  (nowhere) Good, Naxalite instead of targeting CRPF perosnnel settle there score with political class and let political class get the message what you reap is what you sow. 
zen world (Delhi) I wonder how Maoists have eventually recognized the right people! 
Vettrivel Tamil (Tamilnadu) First time i am noticing one thing 99 percent of the people feel happy one corrupted politician has been killed.. I feel sad how much these congressmen have tortured the tribals. so that they were forced to attack the corrupted politicians. My heart goes to all the Tribal people Brutalised and oppressed by congress politicians. 
Raj (Bangalore) Good news. Well done Maoists. Eliminate all these corrupt politicians. Death to the landlords and capitalists! Long live communism! Long live the working class! 
Prince (Patna) Well Done! Some burdens over this country is reduced. 
john.s (kolkata) politicians getting killed is a happy news . whichever way it comes 
Deepak (Bangalore) Even though anyone's killing should be condemned in the strongest of words but this is a good lesson to the political class who dont care for the common peoples suffering!. They will understand only when the problem comes to their doorsteps!. In that sense I welcome this move of naxalites to target the political class! 
Vineet (Trichy)The Maoists seem to be on the right track! For a change they're choosing their targets carefully and being effective at it! This should soften the hatred of the common people; as long as they don't harbour dreams of coming to power. 
Amit (Ranchi) Some one is saying very sad news!! How?? First time they recognized whom to attack and kill and they successfully did it. Hope they will continue with this tactics and stop killing common people and CRPF guys!! 
sourav0612 Roy (Dubai) At last God gave them the proper targets, only 2 is not enough there are thousands of such goons..nyway very good job done.. Perhaps this is the only way left to wipe out those b@$t@rd$.... They will never bring Jan lok pal.. neither they will do any good for 125Cr.. I salute those brave men 
K.parameshwar (Mysore) For once the maoists have done a good job. It is in national interest. Hats off to them.. 
Hushar_manus (Mumbai) Dear Naxalites - ' Why don't you target bigger white collar day light robbers like Kalmadi, A Raja, Bansal and others..." I am sure people of this country will appreciate your actions what they could not do the same in last 50 years to this bl00dy Congress... 
Notes Of A Madman (HINDU Republic Of INDIA) For the first time in these 50 Years, Maoist did something GOOD in their life. Hail it. 
deva (pune) naxlaite please go to delhi, lot many congressi will be there..they are looting motherland left right and center.not supporting of killing but dont mind if these congressi will be cleaned 
das (bangalore) Its not an attack on democracy but attack on corrupt criminal politicians. Maoists should get rid of all corrupt politicians. They are on the right track. 
Rakesh Goel (Lucknow) I think that the people in general would not care much if netas are killed. The naxalites should not target the policemen but the real culprits who are destroying the country. 
Santa Singh (Patiala) Forget Kejriwal, we all should join the Maoist. Great service to the nation. Moji aap aage badho, hum kapde samhalte hai.
Prathiba the (New Delhi) Indian People. You have the right to live in India. India is your country. Eliminate the corrupted terrorists from the earth. 
Prathiba the (New Delhi) People woke up. Good. Let the people take action against the terrorist group like Salwa Judum!! Notorious Congress Killer gang should be eliminated. 
Deba (Bangalore) well.. i would say good riddence. I read some of the comments posted here and most of the people are happy that these congress guys got killed, i am sure most of the nation will be happy today. But some are blaming the Maoists. Let me tell you about my experience that i had. I am sure most of the people who are commenting over here do not even know who the maoists are. Do you think that they are the mafia, goondas?? You are wrong. I have visited maoists stronghold in Odisha, Andhra. I have actually spoken to them, i have seen their way of life. The maoists are actually tribals, they are the poorest of the poor people of india. These tribals have lived a simple life based on forests for time immemorial. But suddenly, after independence when the govt, the politicians were supposed to work towards the betterment of these people, they were forgotten. Before independence the naxals, maoists were a part of the freedom struggle, They were a part of the govt till about the 70s when they decided to part ways, they were just not able to take the dirty politics and the corruption that had crept into the govt. even today, if you visit the villages of these tribals you will be amazed to see the conditions in which they live. Electricity is not there, their houses are made of sticks and mud, one kick and the entire house falls apart. and they live in those houses amongst tigers, elephants, bears. when they go to sleep in the night, they do not know if they will be alive the next morning or will they see their loved ones the next morning. That is the reality. the govt. employees, the police and now the soldiers are all bent on exploiting them to the fullest. A juniro engineer comes to the village to give approval for a tube well and sanction funds, to do that he will demand Rs.30000 as bribe and also will demand sex with the women folks of the villages. Tell me in all probability if you are a self respecting man in such a situation what will you do? What is wrong in picking up an axe, knife and killing that junior engineer? What is the harm in killing a police officer who exploits you and your family? The truth is far removed from what the corrupt congress govt. is trying to potray. Chidambaram is the biggest terrorist of this country, he alone is responsible for killing many tribals, infact so many that you can term it as genocide, and it is happening right infront of our eyes. Do not blame the maoists, naxals without knowing as to what is their motivation. One man can be wrong, even two, three can be wrong, but not lakhs and lakhs. There has to be fire for smoke to come out. 
vivek (bbsr) Blow up all those greedy politician. Only then they will fear to enter into ruling. Hats off naxalist. I think this is what all the public really wished in their mind to these politician. 
nicks (india) Dear maoists, please put one more name in your diary to eliminate... Its Mr. Sharad Pawar... Kindly do d needful as soon as possible... Thanking you, True Indian 
shailendra (delhi) Kill the corrupt congresis intea of innocent ccrpf jawans 

All the above comments are taken from : TOI 

Posted By Blogger to Naxalite Maoist India at 5/25/2013 11:12:00 PM

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