Thursday, June 14, 2012

[Naxalite Maoist India] Anonymous India & Bangalore meet June 9th - 2012

Anonymous - #OpIndia June 9th Protests

An Anonymous protest meet against Internet Censorship was organized all over India on June 9th , 2012.

Occupy Bangalore #protest for internet freedom

Official Page -

The Anonymous protest was completely organised on-line and invitations were sent through various social media channels and networks.

Invitations Sent
Via Facebook
Invitations Accepted and Confirmation received.
Total No of People who attended the event.
Estimates of People who attended via the Facebook invite.
Conversion Ratio





3 - 4 %

Media Op

It was more of a media op than any significant show of strength. The turnout was below expectations. The organisation could have been better. Lessons have been learnt and a future course of action has been planned.

If I could sum it up the meet in two words, I would say "Potential Energy".

The question remains how to optimally direct this Potential energy... ?

Anonymous Phase II - Operation RTI has now begun :

Let's see where this goes...

Join the movement.
We are Anonymous
We are legion
We do not forgive
We do not forget
Expect Us !

A Review of the Event :

Some Pictures from the Protest..

Posted By Abhay to Naxalite Maoist India at 6/15/2012 11:32:00 AM

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