Friday, June 22, 2012

[Naxalite Maoist India] The Dust Damned Villages of Jharkhand

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Heavy trucks loot Mineral Wealth and destry lives in Ramghar, Jharkhand

About The Video:

Development has occupied the jungles, land and resources of the tribals of Durumkasmar village in Ramghar district, Jharkhand. Now it has staked its claim on the very air that the people breathe.

A quiet road that once cut through the forest there has now disappeared into blackened pits that cut into a bleak, barren landscape. To accommodate mining trucks, an alternate road was constructed which passed through small settlements and villages like Durumkasmar. Instead of a pucca tar road, the new road was quickly, economically and badly shuffled together with loose gravel and cement that can barely hold itself together.

All day long, heavy vehicles overloaded beyond capacity with coal pound up and down the road. A blinding storm of dust is sent up into the air. It spares nothing and no one. It chokes every form of life in and around the region.

Posted By Abhay to Naxalite Maoist India at 6/22/2012 11:53:00 PM

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