Tuesday, June 26, 2012

[Naxalite Maoist India] Attention : Social Workers, Political Activists and Media Professionals !

Illegal Internet Surveillance in India by unauthorised agencies has reached unprecedented levels

Muslim politicians, journalists under cyber surveillance in Kerala?

As web surveillance become more prevalent in our society it is increasingly important to maintain privacy and personal integrity on-line.

I would strongly suggest those who can afford it to move on to Encrypted Virtual Private Network's.

I can as of now recommend the following 3 Sweden based VPN's




Ensure that the servers you use are based in Sweden as they offer some limited security compared to other countries.


Kindly read and understand all the FAQ's, Legal and Security related terms before choosing a service.

Use at your own risk! Nothing is guaranteed.

Evolutionary arms races are one of the most powerful forces driving evolution, giving rise to the creation and ever-increased perfection of multiple adaptations.

Posted By Abhay to Naxalite Maoist India at 6/26/2012 11:42:00 PM

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